Saturday 26 February 2011

Creative excuses for not wearing a condom

Girls, you probably heard a few excusses for not wearing a condom, but guy from this commercial

is taking it to the next level with his creativness :)

Of course, that doesn't help him, although he is a lil bit funny

Guys, be responsible, wear a condom ;)

Here is the ad:



February is National Condom Month

<script type="text/javascript" src="" ></script>

Did you know that February is National Condom Month in the United States?

National Condom Month started with a National Condom Week, back in 1978, by students at the University of California-Berkeley.

In the United States National Condom Week starts with Valentine's day.

During these period importance of proper and regular condom use is emphasized

You may have noticed that many retailers offer special discounts during this period.

So, hurry up, just a few days left :)



Thursday 24 February 2011

Iphone app for finding free condoms

In NYC you can get a free condom on more than 1000 locations!
That's cool, right?
Not only that, but the NY city's Health Department launched a NYC Condom Finder app for Iphone.
They launched it on Valentine's day. How sweet...
As you can presume this app will navigate you to your nearest free condom location.
Guys from the Health department say that they want to make NY the safest city in the world for having sex.
Hats off for NYS Health Department
Here is the whole news story:

ps. They could also make the Condom Site Chart app, right?

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Condom hack pack - creative ways to use a condom

We all know what are the main purposes of a condom (at least I hope we know, but to be sure here is a reminder:

prevent pregnancy, keep you safe from STDs).

But some of us are very creative in finding strange but funny ways to use condoms :)

Check this youtube video for some crazy Condom hacks:



Monday 21 February 2011

Durex commercials

Durex is a well known Condom brand. Even if you don't like their condoms, you surely find some of their commercials funny.

Here are few of my picks below:

1) Durex...You never know

2) Durex Sperm Attact Commercial

3)  Durex Performa Ad

Btw, I just wrote a new post on my main site. It's about condom size chart. I've added a lot of condoms to their categories. Check it out, I'm sure you'll find something for you.